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"The Sacred Marriage
is at the Heart of the Spiritual Quest."

Teacher - Healer - Mystic

Henrietta is a teacher, healer, mystic, writer and an award-wining designer. A born explorer, Henrietta has travelled the globe to sacred sites from Africa, The UK, Europe, Americas to Asia and the Pacific, to learn, expand, heal and grow, initiating herself over and over. 

For over 10 years she has been professionally coaching, mentoring and healing with a global clientele. She has studied with Spiritual masters, master coaches, meditation, sound and energetic healers and is highly attuned to both the spiritual and physical dimensions. 

She believes Heaven on Earth is achieved through Sacred Leadership, The Wise One Within and The Sacred Marriage. Her mission is to teach, guide and share through a variety of modalities and technologies created and mastered by herself first though the portal of the Heart. 

Henrietta is a Teacher of Sacred Leadership, Guide to The Wise One Within and Author of The Sacred Marriage.

“Transformational is an understatement. My time with Henrietta enabled me to step more fully into my divine expression than ever before.”

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Sacred Leadership

Journey of Sovereignty 

In essence, Sacred Leadership is the bridge to a lived experience of Heaven on Earth on Personal, Collective and Planetary levels. It is leading from the Heart via attuned energetic, emotional and intuitive intelligence as the ancients did. Connected to the Earth, the Stars and the Natural Cycles. Bridging Cosmic Consciousness with Indigenous Traditions to birth a new paradigm on Earth. Sacred Leadership is a sacred revolution that bridges cosmic consciousness with indigenous traditions to birth a new paradigm on Earth. The Heart of Sacred Leadership is  Integrity. The 3 Pillars of Sacred Leadership being: 1/ SACRED MISSION 2/ PLANETARY GRIDWORK 3/ DIVINE UNION Sacred Leadership was founded by  Henrietta in 2017 and first anchored at Uluru in January 2018, and again in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022.


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The Wise One Within

Symphony of Soul

The Wise One Within holds the Symphonic Keys to your own Soul. Birthed from ‘The Sacred Leadership Journey’ in Egypt 2020, The Wise One Within is a collaboration between Henrietta & Christopher, created over 3 years and 3 continents. It is a place where Sacred Mission, Planetary Gridwork and Divine Union intersect. The three pillars of Sacred Leadership, in its physicalised expression. The Wise One Within contains a Mystic Library of Sacred Sound Journeys for the Soul designed to take you Home. These pure trans:missions are spiritual journeys through the power of sound, uniting hand selected artists, and alchemised by Henrietta and Christopher. 10 Sacred Journeys form the foundation of their body of work, created and energetically encoded at sacred sites around the world, from the Great Pyramids of Egypt, to Stonehenge and Uluru.

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The Sacred Marriage

Divine Union

In essence, The Sacred Marriage is a Divine Union of Spirit and Matter. An inner alchemical process that takes place within you, and ultimately reflected outside of you. Hieros Gamos is The Sacred Marriage between Human Being and Divinity (the inner spirit) and the unification of between all life expressions and its levels of opposite. It is the sacrement that represents The Sacred Marriage at the individual level, to the relationship level, to the group level as part of Spiritual Ascension, moving through the spirialing staircase of time to experience unification with or marry all aspects of Source. When we marry source through the sacrement of The Sacred Marriage, the Christos-Sophia Returns. The perfect balance between masculine and feminine principles, United as One, is our true destiny of Spiritual Freedom. The Sacred Marriage was founded by Henrietta in 2021 and first anchored at Rosslyn Chapel with Christopher.


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The Book

The Sacred Marriage is beyond words.


This book is a high vibrational energetic trans:mission first and foremost. It serves as a reminder of how anything is possible when we navigate from the Heart. Within each page are the keys to universal truths that will guide you through an enchanting quest of love, power and wisdom. Combined with a mystic library of sacred sound journeys woven throughout, The Sacred Marriage offers a timeless love story with the power to bring you home.


"True embodiment of The Sacred Marriage will change the world as we know it." ~ Henrietta

Ryan, USA

"Elevate your frequency and receive life-changing codes for this powerful moment in time. Travel to all the sacred sites and experience the power of them through Henrietta’s, and now your own, mystical journey. Open to the gifts of the powerful sound transmissions to transform you from within, helping you remember the potency of your own sacred path. This book delivers an alchemical shift that will transform how you experience the World around you, across dimensions, for your highest timeline."
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